$0-Down Solar Roof System Lease
Ask us about California’s no-money down solar system lease program
Save immediately with a $0 down solar lease!
Save immediately without the large cash investment. For NOTHING DOWN you can lock in your electric rates and immediately save from 5% to 20% off your current electric bill. Cira Energy and our finance partner are responsible for the maintenance and insurance for the life of the lease. And, our systems come with a money-back guarantee!!
Get Solar installed and DO NOT invest any money; not $1 dollar.
Save immediately (the first month). Rather than not have control of your energy (electric) cost, a solar lease will give you full control over the life of the lease. You will have a consistent monthly plan over the next 20 years rather than no plan and rising costs each year.
Think of leasing as an option to beat the utility company at their pricing. If your local utility offered to install solar panels on your home and reduced the monthly that you would normally pay per month to the utility if you did not have solar, would you allow the utility to install a solar system at your home? OF COURSE!! Why not!! The utility would be responsible for the equipment, for the systems production and for your savings.
Well then, if you do not want to own your solar system then save money each month and each year by Leasing your system from Cira Energy, Inc. We will take care of the install, the systems production and the guarantee of savings!
Monday back Guarantee
We guarantee system performance/output of kilowatts or we will pay the difference. Our systems offer revenue-grade monitoring that tracks system performance. Keep in mind that our guarantee will be conservative. As a result, our customers are seeing an overproduction of kilowatts, saving them monies that were not expected!
Lease is transferable
Should you decide to sell your home in the future, then our lease program is transferable to the next homeowner. This transfer is free of charge!
*Since you are saving money now, then the new homeowner will save money as well! As studies have shown, purchasing solar for your home will increase your property value. Everyone wins!